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25 February 09
Actions and words
  1. yellowtulip reblogged this from serum
  2. serum reblogged this from clairefisher
  3. fuckfailgoawesome reblogged this from hiten
  4. mschewy reblogged this from wordboner
  5. gianlucavisconti reblogged this from clairefisher
  6. saveme reblogged this from clairefisher
  7. webravebees reblogged this from wordboner and added:
    Trying to motivate myself to write my paper instead of going through my “likes” to figure out which ones I wanted to...
  8. rispostesenzadomanda reblogged this from clairefisher
  9. clairefisher reblogged this from darthanto and added:
    creampuff: wordboner: Actions and words
  10. darthanto reblogged this from creampuff
  11. hiten reblogged this from vipin
  12. vipin reblogged this from wordboner
  13. creampuff reblogged this from wordboner
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  19. spoken-mind reblogged this from wordboner
  20. rabidglow reblogged this from isthisblood
  21. christinaxo reblogged this from wordboner
  22. miaculpa reblogged this from isthisblood
  23. eralion reblogged this from wordboner
  24. toohonest reblogged this from wordboner and added:
    watcha waitin’ fo’???
  25. tobia reblogged this from thepitman
  26. onandonandon reblogged this from wordboner and added:
    If only everyone would DO….. I wouldnt be up for what feels like days…. thankgoodness ROCKSTAR exists…. others wise i...
  27. thepitman reblogged this from isthisblood
  28. lushvuitton reblogged this from isthisblood
  29. isthisblood reblogged this from wordboner and added:
    need this painted on my ceiling.
  30. softkissandwine reblogged this from 52hearts and added:
    I really need to, D O.
  31. tourist-info reblogged this from wordboner and added:
    im on it. kind of. not really. but soon.
  32. flush reblogged this from wordboner
  33. siento reblogged this from wordboner
  34. shany reblogged this from wordboner and added:
    Yeah, DO … be DONE!
  35. ingridli reblogged this from wordboner
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  38. 52hearts reblogged this from wordboner
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  49. noreason reblogged this from wordboner and added:
    please. life is short. what do you have to lose?
  50. witchindarkroom reblogged this from wordboner
  51. pocketfullofsmiles reblogged this from wordboner
  52. selectedworks reblogged this from wordboner and added:
    This is something I need to start following.
  53. hoerr reblogged this from wordboner
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  56. mzmehshell reblogged this from wordboner
  57. letseatrawpasta reblogged this from wordboner
  58. constellation reblogged this from wordboner and added:
    My future tatoo.
  59. polinaneedssleep reblogged this from wordboner
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Themed by Hunson. Originally by Josh