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13 February 09
Do your own thing
Do your own thing
  1. caylamarie reblogged this from jaykayelle
  2. rej reblogged this from icanread
  3. readysetbrady reblogged this from brokenmachine and added:
    (Submitted by Veronica)
  4. talesofthetail reblogged this from catepol
  5. rog2 reblogged this from petronillapaperdoll
  6. petronillapaperdoll reblogged this from catepol and added:
    Do your own thing.
  7. outer reblogged this from catepol
  8. catepol reblogged this from wordboner
  9. 12monkeys reblogged this from wordboner
  10. jusjonny reblogged this from brokenmachine
  11. mtlnz reblogged this from brokenmachine
  12. mrtd reblogged this from dianamae
  13. dianamae reblogged this from lovepauline
  14. oh-snapx07 reblogged this from wordboner
  15. akosinicole reblogged this from randomnessnstuff
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  17. hunkydory reblogged this from uaba
  18. falseliesdeceit reblogged this from brokenmachine
  19. kimberlykhang reblogged this from sarcastic-icasm
  20. sarcastic-icasm reblogged this from brokenmachine
  21. cardiography reblogged this from threewordsforyou
  22. nicolemiller reblogged this from animinimalism
  23. erinislame reblogged this from rebeccazoe
  24. rebeccazoe reblogged this from teabagsonthepavement and added:
  25. animinimalism reblogged this from unicornology
  26. suppamba reblogged this from quote-book
  27. invisiblek reblogged this from brokenmachine
  28. xstarstruckk reblogged this from teabagsonthepavement
  29. teabagsonthepavement reblogged this from browniesugar
  30. nifs reblogged this from icanread and added:
    Im very nervous today…I just know whichever way this turns out…I’ll be a better person in the end. ~nifs
  31. valerierochelle reblogged this from finallyseeing
  32. stixandstones reblogged this from wordboner
  33. maybeonce reblogged this from entrails
  34. This was reblogged into a private tumblelog.
  35. jeremyduncan reblogged this from jewelsy
  36. jewelsy reblogged this from quote-book
  37. gianlucavisconti reblogged this from maisuccesso and added:
    sulpiuillustrepaesaggio: saveme: marikabortolami: annarellix:
  38. shadek reblogged this from fotomaf
  39. loveandtaxes reblogged this from brokenmachine
  40. redridinghood reblogged this from babypanda
  41. seaofacorns reblogged this from tacos
  42. ughhhh reblogged this from wordboner
  43. kuxkix reblogged this from fotomaf
  44. yunjae reblogged this from down-to-the-bones-deactivated20
  45. simplesongbird reblogged this from tryingtofindthewords and added:
    I need to blow this up and put it on my wall.
  46. glowgirl reblogged this from black-and-white
  47. thesedrunkennights reblogged this from down-to-the-bones-deactivated20
  48. tryingtofindthewords reblogged this from unicornology
  49. loveoftheordinary reblogged this from icanread
  50. pretty-p reblogged this from black-and-white
  51. yummi reblogged this from babypanda
  52. katiecaricature reblogged this from meganmalice
  53. fotomaf reblogged this from gigagigu
  54. gutterglam reblogged this from babypanda and added:
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  57. camc reblogged this from hannahjohnson
  58. lynlotus reblogged this from meganmalice
  59. worldfullofyou reblogged this from unicornology
  60. bekahtheimpaler reblogged this from entrails
  61. upperlevel reblogged this from unicornology
  62. meganmalice reblogged this from lovehopehate
  63. simondodson reblogged this from babypanda
  64. babypanda reblogged this from medusenerveuse
  65. megans reblogged this from lovehopehate
  66. lovehopehate reblogged this from lifeisprettywoman
  67. lifeisprettywoman reblogged this from bowlingalleylawyer
  68. iwasframed reblogged this from black-and-white
  69. foxholememoirs reblogged this from bowlingalleylawyer
  70. bowlingalleylawyer reblogged this from black-and-white and added:
    unicornology:styleandsubstance: wordboner
  71. bella-remorso reblogged this from unicornology
  72. streettwanderer reblogged this from black-and-white and added:
    unicornology:styleandsubstance: wordboner
  73. perfectimperfections reblogged this from veedoll
  74. tothebarricades reblogged this from black-and-white
  75. defuturo reblogged this from black-and-white
  76. veedoll reblogged this from black-and-white
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  78. craziness reblogged this from black-and-white
  79. purposetomemory reblogged this from black-and-white
  80. black-and-white reblogged this from unicornology
  81. awwlizabeth reblogged this from quote-book
  82. getthefuckoutrightnow reblogged this from three50eight
  83. feltlike reblogged this from rsrisw
  84. allisonwrote reblogged this from unicornology
  85. nashamble reblogged this from unicornology
  86. threewordsforyou reblogged this from quote-book
  87. antimonotonia reblogged this from unicornology
  88. sandysays reblogged this from unicornology and added:
    styleandsubstance: wordboner
  89. michi66f reblogged this from takaakik
  90. porcelina reblogged this from quote-book
  91. rsrisw reblogged this from krisnair and added:
    Its the best thing to do
  92. reginewilldoodle reblogged this from unicornology
  93. three50eight reblogged this from lazybones
  94. bloodmilk reblogged this from merricat
  95. takaakik reblogged this from etoystk
  96. etoystk reblogged this from ryotarawpower
  97. uaba reblogged this from entrails
  98. ryotarawpower reblogged this from unicornology
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  100. blondielove reblogged this from lazybones
  101. krisnair reblogged this from unicornology
  102. deepestbreath reblogged this from unicornology
  103. lazybones reblogged this from unicornology
  104. medusenerveuse reblogged this from unicornology
  105. madisonanne reblogged this from unicornology
  106. entrails reblogged this from unicornology
  107. chiefmastersergeantmyers reblogged this from merricat
  108. merricat reblogged this from unicornology
  109. unicornology reblogged this from styleandsubstance
  110. cortnie reblogged this from wordboner
  111. padayon reblogged this from quote-book
  112. missworld reblogged this from quote-book
  113. kimioh reblogged this from longlivethequeen
  114. jaykayohh reblogged this from quote-book
  115. bonnybyu reblogged this from quote-book
  116. iboong reblogged this from mellx93
  117. browniesugar reblogged this from quote-book and added:
    Wish it were that easy.
  118. rl-chacon reblogged this from quote-book
  119. rhon reblogged this from quote-book
  120. midsummerfrenzy reblogged this from quote-book
  121. dearnicklovebionca reblogged this from quote-book
  122. itspouringmisery reblogged this from quote-book
  123. mellx93 reblogged this from quote-book and added:
    this is something to live by
  124. madeinbrazil reblogged this from quote-book
  125. thoseareturkeys reblogged this from quote-book
  126. thewildair reblogged this from quote-book
  127. isaidilovedyou reblogged this from quote-book
  128. nikkinikolsky reblogged this from quote-book
  129. quote-book reblogged this from eyeswideopen
  130. derekriotz reblogged this from wordboner
  131. indaaay reblogged this from wordboner
  132. findyourself reblogged this from wordboner
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  134. reeshhelle reblogged this from wordboner
  135. lovepauline reblogged this from wordboner
  136. lab111 reblogged this from brokenmachine
  137. darksidejedi reblogged this from reretlet
  138. toshigus reblogged this from msbojangles
  139. mitchtime reblogged this from msbojangles
  140. stoptime reblogged this from wordboner
  141. heyysugar reblogged this from icanread
  142. synnahh reblogged this from wordboner
  143. gompr reblogged this from mikerapin and added:
    Truly, words to live by. mikerapin)
  144. creampuff reblogged this from finallyseeing
  145. aydreeinkosel reblogged this from jotterbook
  146. jotterbook reblogged this from wordboner
  147. maisuccesso reblogged this from sulpiuillustrepaesaggio
  148. sulpiuillustrepaesaggio reblogged this from saveme
  149. bobbysoxerrr reblogged this from msbojangles
  150. eyeswideopen reblogged this from billyrood
  151. saveme reblogged this from marikabortolami
  152. letsgetdramatic reblogged this from msbojangles
  153. billyrood reblogged this from msbojangles
  154. msbojangles reblogged this from wordboner
  155. thenelsontwins reblogged this from marikabortolami
  156. marikabortolami reblogged this from annarellix
  157. ggggirl reblogged this from annarellix
  158. annarellix reblogged this from hit-or-miss
  159. splitscreen reblogged this from wordboner and added:
    I should try this.
  160. gordaydivina reblogged this from icanread
  161. deafeningsilence reblogged this from icanread
  162. montanadreaming reblogged this from wordboner
  163. confusedducky reblogged this from icanread
  164. didib reblogged this from wordboner
  165. wojciechgabrys reblogged this from catskills
  166. siento reblogged this from hit-or-miss
  167. rodroald reblogged this from hit-or-miss
  168. splashofspunk reblogged this from finallyseeing
  169. clairelew reblogged this from ttoms
  170. zatoism reblogged this from missmaves
  171. kilobyte reblogged this from gomericuskahn
  172. lilyfirefly reblogged this from hit-or-miss
  173. v-nguyen reblogged this from hit-or-miss
  174. kyleabe reblogged this from icanread
  175. dalgyal reblogged this from out-of-touch
  176. paralaxe reblogged this from dilaudid
  177. styleandsubstance reblogged this from wordboner
  178. hbnast reblogged this from wordboner
  179. franchesnicc reblogged this from undefined7
  180. all-about-a-girl reblogged this from icanread and added:
    Wise words to live by.
  181. b0b0 reblogged this from icanread
  182. gummybear reblogged this from hit-or-miss
  183. ellamarie reblogged this from excusememiss
  184. breenah reblogged this from narisamira
  185. katerade reblogged this from gordonshumway
  186. springzephyr reblogged this from icanread
  187. ashleyxsober reblogged this from hit-or-miss
  188. gordonshumway reblogged this from icanread
  189. syuutingbukakalaw reblogged this from icanread
  190. dummydonuts reblogged this from voristrip
  191. mujjin reblogged this from dilaudid
  192. musicfan1966 reblogged this from fizzzzy
  193. venustong reblogged this from hit-or-miss and added:
    I think like this WAY too much.
  194. think4yourself reblogged this from hit-or-miss
  195. mariag reblogged this from voristrip
  196. fizzzzy reblogged this from liviac
  197. liviac reblogged this from hit-or-miss
  198. threewordsforyou reblogged this from bisoux
  199. laserlemon reblogged this from icanread
  200. jacobchelsey reblogged this from alittlemonster
  201. narisamira reblogged this from brokenmachine
  202. excusememiss reblogged this from hit-or-miss
  203. hit-or-miss reblogged this from dilaudid
  204. attraction reblogged this from icanread and added:
    My new life motto. icanread
  205. jennthejelly reblogged this from brokenwing
  206. brickwall reblogged this from icanread
  207. savingelle reblogged this from icanread
  208. mr-d reblogged this from wordboner
  209. yuliahna reblogged this from brokenmachine
  210. kierkegaard reblogged this from destroyx
  211. voristrip reblogged this from siddman
  212. tautou reblogged this from finallyseeing
  213. morganalyssa reblogged this from regret
  214. misscatherine024 reblogged this from icanread
  215. regret reblogged this from icanread
  216. michelle-brown reblogged this from wordboner
  217. mikalolineko reblogged this from reretlet and added:
    preparing for the worst… im doing that always
  218. janado reblogged this from skysignal
  219. thesoccergk reblogged this from tryingtofindthewords
  220. pumpmylove reblogged this from icanread
  221. boyhands reblogged this from icanread
  222. quidditas reblogged this from icanread and added:
    This is a really consise view of my world view, frankly.
  223. cateo reblogged this from brokenmachine
  224. brokenmachine reblogged this from iwantmybearsuit and added:
    iwantmybearsuit barbiefaced:unexcitable:wordboner
  225. recycledphrases reblogged this from icanread
  226. destroyx reblogged this from brokenmachine
  227. uponthosestars reblogged this from icanread
  228. casual reblogged this from icanread
  229. littleashhley reblogged this from selectedworks
  230. redguard reblogged this from getbuck
  231. getbuck reblogged this from luvsick
  232. julianashazam reblogged this from icanread
  233. nashamble reblogged this from siddman
  234. ohayyjess reblogged this from nancyyyyy
  235. nancyyyyy reblogged this from icanread
  236. raadiokillaa reblogged this from jizellejo and added:
    Awh shit; “You keep on doin’ that. You do that thang.”
  237. peacelovepurple reblogged this from wordboner
  238. hlebechuk reblogged this from ah3witt
  239. undefined7 reblogged this from jizellejo
  240. jizellejo reblogged this from s-monique
  241. furk reblogged this from icanread
  242. rnyhrt reblogged this from reretlet
  243. alittlemonster reblogged this from monstermalcolm
  244. sleepytiger reblogged this from icanread
  245. mysdreamer reblogged this from icanread
  246. gymnasticalcupcake reblogged this from icanread
  247. wtfloserfacee reblogged this from icanread
  248. proudmary reblogged this from icanread
  249. jusgar reblogged this from shany
  250. siddman reblogged this from snickerdoodle and added:
    skysignal:umbrellaboat: windtunnel: bealbright: wordboner: Do your own thing.
  251. word2 reblogged this from finallyseeing
  252. shoutforjooy reblogged this from icanread
  253. tiaragwin reblogged this from pasdedeux
  254. calledlovely reblogged this from icanread
  255. ifilikeityoulikeit reblogged this from icanread and added:
    …i like this. words.point blank.period.[√]
  256. heyaloverly reblogged this from dilaudid
  257. selectedworks reblogged this from slowdancing
  258. venue reblogged this from nymphadora
  259. amberlrhea reblogged this from champagnecandy and added:
  260. ivanfilios reblogged this from icanread
  261. bisoux reblogged this from icanread
  262. beccapixels reblogged this from icanread
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  264. reretlet reblogged this from classics
  265. pasdedeux reblogged this from classics
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  268. ohheysup reblogged this from icanread
  269. exexistential reblogged this from dilaudid
  270. nicoletheresa reblogged this from finallyseeing
  271. shandiego reblogged this from icanread
  272. yoitzmej reblogged this from livesoundz
  273. monstermalcolm reblogged this from icanread
  274. endlessdaylight reblogged this from finallyseeing
  275. mediamachine reblogged this from brokenmachine
  276. alexlovess reblogged this from icanread
  277. melinaalecia reblogged this from alla1
  278. tacykakes reblogged this from hardcandy
  279. lanemoseley reblogged this from classics
  280. livesoundz reblogged this from mischievoussouls
  281. hardcandy reblogged this from classics
  282. classics reblogged this from wordboner
  283. champagnecandy reblogged this from sylviasrevenge and added:
    getthefuckoutrightnow:daieny:thebackdoor:skysignal:umbrellaboat: windtunnel: bealbright: wordboner: Do your own thing.
  284. mischievoussouls reblogged this from icanread
  285. aleatoriedades reblogged this from finallyseeing
  286. swipebook reblogged this from barebones and added:
    i want this tattooed on my forehead. barebones:
  287. moschmo reblogged this from mikerapin
  288. rachel-marie reblogged this from icanread
  289. nymphadora reblogged this from icanread
  290. gomericuskahn reblogged this from slackr
  291. teganfawn reblogged this from icanread
  292. expectchange reblogged this from finallyseeing
  293. s-monique reblogged this from mynamesmimi
  294. singabouttragedy reblogged this from icanread
  295. mynamesmimi reblogged this from alexisfaith
  296. elephantsandlambs reblogged this from finallyseeing
  297. torotot reblogged this from icanread
  298. doindurhamup reblogged this from icanread and added:
    and travel to WI as often as possible!!
  299. slowdancing reblogged this from dilaudid
  300. thisdisaster reblogged this from brokenmachine
  301. hushmydear reblogged this from brokenmachine
  302. brokenmachine reblogged this from icanread
  303. mm85 reblogged this from slackr and added:
    skysignal:umbrellaboat:windtunnel:bealbright:wordboner: Do your own thing.
  304. euphonicbrew reblogged this from slackr
  305. wasim reblogged this from finallyseeing
  306. slackr reblogged this from skysignal
  307. clarissajoyce reblogged this from icanread
  308. matiasjajaja reblogged this from blpgirl
  309. barebones reblogged this from icanread
  310. mikerapin reblogged this from icanread
  311. dilaudid reblogged this from finallyseeing
  312. mancheno reblogged this from icanread and added:
    dovrei scriverlo a lettere cubitali nella mia stanza per guardarlo tutte le mattine icanread:
  313. melody808 reblogged this from icanread
  314. theginanicoleblog reblogged this from brokenwing
  315. kmcgann reblogged this from icanread
  316. intoyourheart reblogged this from icanread and added:
    I need to do this.
  317. renatarolim reblogged this from getthefuckoutrightnow
  318. myleftsock reblogged this from icanread
  319. taytertot reblogged this from elephantsinthecity
  320. alexisfaith reblogged this from icanread
  321. joejohnson reblogged this from daieny
  322. cloverrose reblogged this from icanread and added:
    This is my new grad school motto
  323. soylatte reblogged this from icanread
  324. solittletimetoblog reblogged this from icanread and added:
    My motto for this week.
  325. loragrl reblogged this from icanread
  326. ashleighjaynejeeves reblogged this from icanread
  327. andreaelizabeth reblogged this from finallyseeing
  328. copetes reblogged this from icanread
  329. 19nineteen reblogged this from icanread
  330. exoskeletalasphyxia reblogged this from wordboner
  331. brokenwing reblogged this from icanread
  332. snickerdoodle reblogged this from skysignal
  333. handfulsoflove reblogged this from icanread
  334. onanygivenday reblogged this from finallyseeing
  335. randomnessnstuff reblogged this from icanread and added:
    do your own thing : ) …. :D
  336. athenodora reblogged this from icanread
  337. serotonin reblogged this from icanread
  338. isaidilovedyou reblogged this from icanread
  339. tiffico reblogged this from icanread
  340. blpgirl reblogged this from icanread
  341. kfisch reblogged this from icanread and added:
    words to live by.
  342. schmessica reblogged this from finallyseeing
  343. spacelola reblogged this from finallyseeing and added:
    I do what I want!! Perhaps this is why my friends and family hate me.
  344. kmzrtl reblogged this from icanread
  345. letyourbeautyunfold reblogged this from icanread
  346. finallyseeing reblogged this from icanread
  347. heidelweiss reblogged this from alla1
  348. shany reblogged this from icanread and added:
    I think it’s hard to prepare yourself for the worst because you never know how bad “the worst” will be until it hits …...
  349. dutyfreesins reblogged this from icanread
  350. alla1 reblogged this from icanread
  351. rhymeorreason reblogged this from icanread
  352. carebearsmiles reblogged this from kristencaston and added:
    This has been reblogged 339 times. I think it needs to be reblogged again.
  353. crimsonstang reblogged this from tuesdayslove
  354. simplesongbird reblogged this from tryingtofindthewords
  355. luvsick reblogged this from icanread
  356. fxckthat reblogged this from icanread
  357. tryingtofindthewords reblogged this from icanread
  358. lesreves reblogged this from icanread
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  360. out-of-touch reblogged this from icanread
  361. sillyways reblogged this from icanread
  362. unballonrouge reblogged this from icanread
  363. kristencaston reblogged this from icanread
  364. goodnightmoonlight reblogged this from icanread
  365. flotsmzxz reblogged this from icanread
  366. imaginecreate reblogged this from icanread
  367. jeanbeauchamp reblogged this from icanread
  368. alphabetology reblogged this from icanread
  369. sylviasrevenge reblogged this from getthefuckoutrightnow
  370. icanread reblogged this from wordboner
  371. jada reblogged this from skysignal
  372. pixihorrific reblogged this from skysignal
  373. sillyrabbit reblogged this from catskills
  374. smalldraws reblogged this from catskills
  375. endearing reblogged this from skysignal
  376. becauseimboredatwork reblogged this from getthefuckoutrightnow
  377. getthefuckoutrightnow reblogged this from daieny
  378. jamiebrooke reblogged this from spunkfairy
  379. stepinmygroove reblogged this from tuesdayslove
  380. bobbysoxerrr reblogged this from skysignal
  381. sussietheboob reblogged this from skysignal
  382. skipaheartbeat reblogged this from thebackdoor
  383. doublebagel reblogged this from wordboner
  384. dominix reblogged this from thebackdoor
  385. spunkfairy reblogged this from skysignal
  386. outofthedark reblogged this from catskills
  387. catskills reblogged this from ilindsay
  388. boui reblogged this from skysignal and added:
    I’m tired as hell. :( Can’t sleep and haven’t wrote a letter yet. Tev’s, I’m not dying yet.
  389. jacobchelsey reblogged this from ilindsay
  390. wrox reblogged this from cherrylolita
  391. cherrylolita reblogged this from skysignal
  392. daieny reblogged this from thebackdoor
  393. velen reblogged this from skysignal
  394. whoastephchiu reblogged this from wordboner
  395. bylivetowords reblogged this from skysignal
  396. whosthatgirl reblogged this from skysignal
  397. doughbezeemcfly reblogged this from ilindsay
  398. ilindsay reblogged this from thebackdoor and added:
    Reblogged from: thebackdoor | Posted by: click
  399. kapitalisthippie reblogged this from getitgurl
  400. willowphoto reblogged this from thebackdoor
  401. outoftheb0x reblogged this from tuesdayslove
  402. sincerelysaw reblogged this from skysignal and added:
    uplifiting things in big fonts always ge tme.
  403. tuesdayslove reblogged this from skysignal
  404. thebackdoor reblogged this from skysignal
  405. getitgurl reblogged this from skysignal
  406. This was reblogged into a private tumblelog.
  407. skysignal reblogged this from umbrellaboat and added:
    windtunnel: bealbright: wordboner: Do your own thing.
  408. jeanina reblogged this from umbrellaboat
  409. walkingonadream reblogged this from wordboner
  410. slumpsgirl812 reblogged this from effortless-smile
  411. coloroutsidethelines reblogged this from wordboner
  412. world-upside-down reblogged this from windtunnel
  413. helloastronaut reblogged this from wordboner
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    And that’s what I’m doing.
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    Just found this Tumblr called “wordboner”. It’s mainly a blog of thoughts in graphic format. Not just text, but images...
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    wordboner: Do your own thing.
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    Ma foi, elle m’a l’air sympa cette devise !
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    = tomorrow night.
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    Shut up and live up to this.
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    HELL YES. this is what i’ve been telling everyone before i could speak. they knew i way saying it. they didnt have to...
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Themed by Hunson. Originally by Josh