Love Epicly (get this on a tee | make your own tee | get this on a postcard)

Love Epicly (get this on a tee | make your own tee | get this on a postcard)
shirt so bad! guess what my next batch of money is going too!
love like you’ve never been hurt
do everything epicly.
new word today: epicly
shit am i slow, i didn’t see it right away =))
— Can I get “SPELL EPICALLY CORRECTLY” on a t-shirt?
stop doing shit like this, no one can read that
Let not this be just mere metaphysical. For me.
LOVE EPICLY; I love her and it’s so epic
hah… I thought it said epilepsy
Is it weird if I read People Cryverly (cry in...cleverly way, of course)
i really love the ideas from here, except the watermark is horrible.
is really the only kind of loving I do.
That’s creative.