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Hmmmm interesting
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this could not describe what i’m feeling right now more perfectly.
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Mmmhm.. usually its fix.
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two-year dilemma of mine.
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always my situation, always.
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OMG. This is totally my life right now!
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There’s always...choice. So what do I do now?
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You DO have a choice.
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effing fix it, you dig?
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If you cant fix it, Fuck it.
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feeeeeeeeeelme?! wordboner:
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hard decision sometimes.
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for now…i’d say FUCK IT. :|
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This reminded me of Chris from Skins.
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2. ????? 3. profit
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Fuck it or Fix it?
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often. especially when...comes to technology! wordboner:
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Sadly, I have to admit that I’m more of the FUCK IT type.
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FUCK IT but then fit it (:
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want it…lol would match my tattoo
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so you can fuckit
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That’s EXACTLY how I feel. I don’t like...whole “Fuck it” attitude. I want to
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You fucked things up, now fix
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how i feel right about now
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Hahah, that’s funny.
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Choose your game.
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hmm.. when i first looked at
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