Wordboner.com meets Sol’s netbook sleeves. 9 designs, all rad. Your netbook is getting cold without one of these.

Wordboner.com meets Sol’s netbook sleeves. 9 designs, all rad. Your netbook is getting cold without one of these.
Ain’t a saint (get this on a tee | get this on a tee in European store | make your own tee)
Light -2010 version*- teeboner available at the Wordboner Store or at the European store.
*this version is without wordboner.com logo, so it’s STW (safe to wear)
Anonymous asked: http://bit.ly/bJBtlq
i assume you're team typography?
Don’t be so sure. I’m opting for Team Insanity Wolf.
Love is Lust (get this on a tee | get this on a tee in European store | make your own tee | get this on a postcard)
Vintage teeboners collection presents Do Your Own Thing available here or in the European Store.
FYI (get this on a tee | get this on a tee in European store | make your own tee | get this on a postcard)
Shit Happens (Almost-SFW version): get it here or in the European store.